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Boundary codes are generated by sequential generation. Terminate the generation by a blank card.
1-5 Number of first node in sequence (N)
6-10 Number of last node in generation sequence (NE)
11-15 Generation nodal increment (NG)
16-20 DOF #1 boundary code ID(1,N):
EQ.0, Active DOF. (Prescribed force)
EQ.1, Prescribed Displacement
EQ.2, Prescribed Velocity or
EQ.3, Prescribed Acceleration or
21-.. Boundary codes for the other Ds.O.F.
In case of Displacement or velocity control. The program uses the time integration equations in a reverse way to differentiate the load time function to get the velocity and/or the acceleration. The program assumes the load time function is piece wise linear, i.e. linear relationship between any two consecutive points.
A. Zeiny