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Execution Control Information

1-5 Execution code (IEXEC ): 

EQ.0, Data check           

EQ.1, Execution, Autocad Postprocessing format              

EQ.2, Execution  Mentat  Postprocessing format              

EQ.3,  Post Processing, Autocad format        

EQ.4, Post Processing, Mentat format       

6-10 		 Analysis code (IACODE):

EQ.0, Dynamic analysis  

EQ.1, Static analysis     

GE.10, Enable Aitken accelerator 

GE.100, Skip Initialization 

11-15		 Read restart file code (IREADR):

EQ.0, Do not read restart file      

EQ.1, Read restart file and start from time=0.0 

EQ.2, Read time from restart file 

16-20		 Write restart file code (IWRITR):

EQ.0, Do not write restart file     

EQ.1, Write restart file              

21-25		 Input data print code (IPRTIN):

EQ.0, Print nodal and element input data

EQ.1, Do not print nodal and element input data

25-30		 Rank check code (IRANK):

EQ.0, Do not perform Singularity Check

EQ.I, Check Singularity every I time steps

31-35		 Number of time sequences (NUMSEQ)

36-40		 Number of nodal output time-histories (NDOUT )

41-45		 Number of space dimensions (NSD)

46-50		 Number of load vectors (NLVECT)

51-55		 Number of load-time functions (NLTFTN)

56-60		 Number of points on load-time functions (NPTSLF)

GT.0, Load time table

EQ.-1, Harmonic Sine function

EQ.-2, Harmonic Cosine function with Zero Start

EQ.-3, Harmonic Cosine function

61-65		 Number of element groups (NUMEG)

66-70		 Number of material model  real constants (NUMAT)

71-75		 Number of constraint/interaction  groups (NLAGEG)

76-80		 Fluid domain remeshing code (NREMSH)

EQ.0, No remeshing

EQ.1, All direction remeshing using isoparametric techniques

EQ.2, Vertical direction remeshing using transfinite mapping techniques

EQ.3, All direction remeshing using transfinite mapping techniques

EQ.4, Like 3, but performed  after each time step

EQ.5, Linear Interpolation in the vertical direction only

81-85		 Number of constraint/interaction  groups (NLAGEG)
In order for the isoparametric remeshing to work properly, the free surface should have a system number less than the fluid domain system number.

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A. Zeiny